Friday, December 4, 2015

Its my blog ill do it how I want..

Growing up I was never a "people person", this is something I got from issues I have had in my life.
With that being said, I just wanted to write a blog to vent and bring up some things that aggravate me, not just with my blog but with others blogs I have viewed!

Let me start off with this, I decided to start blogging to give my opinions and advice on many different topics mainly for women around my age and younger. That means for people who are about 25 and younger. As a college student grammar is important yes, but I am not an English major, and never want to be!
I have had some rude comments saying "her grammar is horrendous" or "reading this hurts because the grammar".
Here is my comment to that ...
This is a blog, not a paper!
I spend most of my time sitting in a class having a professor critique my grammar, I am not worried about having perfect grammar when I'm writing a blog post. If you are reading this for the grammar mistakes then please refrain from reading my blogs! It is very simple!

I enjoy writing my blogs and could care less about what others say, but it aggravates me when people criticize someone so hard!
Yes, constructive criticism is a good thing, but there is a difference between constructive criticism and just being plain rude and spiteful!
I see it on so many video and blog comments and I just don't understand why people think it is necessary.

Another thing I have noticed is that people are very rude when it comes to telling someone when they are doing things wrong on a site. When something is not being done correctly then you tell the person, there is not need to be rude about it! What is being rude going to do? The only thing you will get out of it is usually a rude response back!

All of these things are just issues I wanted to bring up just because I have had it done to me and also have viewed it being done on many other blogs!
The last thing I want to say is to people who have had this issue is DO NOT LISTEN TO IT! I would honestly delete it or ignore it just because no one deserves that negativity! You are an amazing person and your blogs or videos are perfect however you make them! Do not listen to the rude and unnecessary comments! These are your opinions and thoughts in your blog and people are not being forced to read them!
If this post offends anyone that means you're probably someone who is making the hateful comments and I'm glad it offends you!