Friday, December 4, 2015

Its my blog ill do it how I want..

Growing up I was never a "people person", this is something I got from issues I have had in my life.
With that being said, I just wanted to write a blog to vent and bring up some things that aggravate me, not just with my blog but with others blogs I have viewed!

Let me start off with this, I decided to start blogging to give my opinions and advice on many different topics mainly for women around my age and younger. That means for people who are about 25 and younger. As a college student grammar is important yes, but I am not an English major, and never want to be!
I have had some rude comments saying "her grammar is horrendous" or "reading this hurts because the grammar".
Here is my comment to that ...
This is a blog, not a paper!
I spend most of my time sitting in a class having a professor critique my grammar, I am not worried about having perfect grammar when I'm writing a blog post. If you are reading this for the grammar mistakes then please refrain from reading my blogs! It is very simple!

I enjoy writing my blogs and could care less about what others say, but it aggravates me when people criticize someone so hard!
Yes, constructive criticism is a good thing, but there is a difference between constructive criticism and just being plain rude and spiteful!
I see it on so many video and blog comments and I just don't understand why people think it is necessary.

Another thing I have noticed is that people are very rude when it comes to telling someone when they are doing things wrong on a site. When something is not being done correctly then you tell the person, there is not need to be rude about it! What is being rude going to do? The only thing you will get out of it is usually a rude response back!

All of these things are just issues I wanted to bring up just because I have had it done to me and also have viewed it being done on many other blogs!
The last thing I want to say is to people who have had this issue is DO NOT LISTEN TO IT! I would honestly delete it or ignore it just because no one deserves that negativity! You are an amazing person and your blogs or videos are perfect however you make them! Do not listen to the rude and unnecessary comments! These are your opinions and thoughts in your blog and people are not being forced to read them!
If this post offends anyone that means you're probably someone who is making the hateful comments and I'm glad it offends you!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Love at First Sight ... Maybe

We all grow up watching princess and romantic movies where boy meets girl and instantly they are in love and no matter what they live happily ever after ..
Well I hate to be the barrier of bad news but for the most part the is not how it works
In those movies the relationships are perfect and fighting never happens and when it does the relationship ends, again not the case!

I have been in a relationship with my boyfriend for over five years now and I can tell you everything I said above about how the movies show it is the complete opposite! 
The first time my boyfriend and I saw each other was my sophomore year in high school and we had two classes together, we never said one word to each other! 
Yes I thought he was cute but I am the shyest person on the planet so he never knew! 
I never talked to him but I did think he was extremely annoying because he was always the kid talking and being obnoxious (like all freshman boys)
After a few years past and he got my number and we started to hangout and although I really liked him it was not love at first sight! 
Yes after a few months I fell in love with him and love him more and more each day but we still are not living a perfect life together! 

No matter what anyone says any good relationship has fights in it! 
When I say fights not I don't mean beating and putting down, I mean arguing and disagreements. Yes some of these are pretty big fights but it happens specially when you get really close to someone! 
My boyfriend and I will have huge fights but what makes us a great couple is we know how to make it through those fights and move on! 
So many of our friends tell us how much they wish they could be like us and never fight when in reality we do fight we just do what most couples don't do and we make it through! 
All of us know that couple who says they are perfect and never fight well I'm gonna let you in on a secret...
Those are the couples who usually are the worst! 
They are the ones who are hiding everything and its normally because something is very wrong! 
Yes there is a line that can be crossed when it comes to fighting and if you feel it has been crossed then GET OUT because your gut feeling is always right and that line has probably been crossed! 

Don't think just because you have been with someone longer than someone else that your relationship is stronger than theirs! This is one thing I cannot stand! Someone will say "my boyfriend bought me this he loves me so much" or "we've been together for so long and you haven't so we are more in love". Well again since when do you get to decide who loves who more or who has a better relationship?
And since when does it matter who has a better relationship?
Honestly if you are having to put your relationship up against someone else then that means you are doubting your own or judging your own and may want to rethink it! 

In the end life is never a fairytale so don't try and make it that way! Love who you want and do what makes you happy! Never let anyone judge or hurt your relationship because in the end who cares what anyone else thinks all that matters is how you feel and how happy you are! 

This may have sounded like some rambling but all this is things I wish I would have known when I was younger because I may have had more insight on what relationships should actually be like! 
If anyone has anymore questions don't be afraid to ask! 
XOXO Carissa Ann

Finals Week Prep!

Well I know its not the thing everyone wanted to hear but the most terrible time of the year is fast approaching ....
The dreaded hours of studying and prepping for a few hours of your life that will make or break an entire semester of class! 
We have all been through it on many levels depending on if your in middle school, high school or college
No matter what level you are you still know how stressful this time can be, especially now that break is also so close you can almost touch it! 
Well I'm going through it too and ill give you some of my tips that may help you make this time just a little less stressful (or ATON LESS!!!)

First off make sure you are going to all of your classes! 
I can't stress that enough! 
This probably is only something that pertains to college students because its a lot easier to skip classes but try your best not to!
You should not be skipping many classes at all but towards the end of the semester it is more important because your teachers and professors will be giving you a lot of information as to what may or may not be on the final. Also many teachers will start to give out extra credit opportunities and that is something you will definitely want to miss! Also many teachers like to give out quizzes to test and see where people are and how much help they need before taking the exam. 
You want to have all the information you can to help you study for the finals as much as possible! 
No one wants to go into the finals and realize they just studied the complete wrong thing! 

Next tip is get a tutor!!!!!
This is so helpful and important!
Yes you can do study groups and if that works for you then great but if your like me then study groups do not help at all! But a one on one tutor will be able to help so much! 
Now when I say tutor I don't mean a friend who is taking the class with you, I mean someone who is being paid or is getting credit to teach you everything!
These peoples soul purpose is to sit in a room and teach a student everything they need for there class! Usually these people are people who got a extremely high grade in the class and understand it more than most people! It will help you so much! 
Most schools only give you so many free tutoring hours but don't let that keep you from a tutor! 
I say this because I know my school has a Student Success building and this building is all about tutoring! They will have certain times when a bunch tutors are scheduled to be in a room and you can just go in and get free tutoring! 
This is something that every school I have been to has had but they do not advertise it because they want you to pay! So you may need to find it! 

Start studying at least two weeks before your final if not three weeks! 
These are going to a lot of things from previous test so if you can you should be studying what was on the previous tests as your going through the semester! 
Most professors like to use similar questions just rewording!

Now things to help you through the stress! 
Do not burn yourself out with studying! 
Yes you need to study a lot but not to the point that that is all you are doing! 
You need to take breaks and put your mind on other things it is the only way you will start to retain what you have studied! 
Also a AMAZING stress reliever is coloring! 
Yes I did say coloring! 
You can find the adult coloring books almost anywhere now a days and they are the best purchase you will make! It is amazing how much it can calm you down when you are feeling extremely stressed, plus you get to color which just makes you happier in general! 

Next and last tip for now is keep yourself healthy and happy! 
Eat right and keep yourself out of negative things!
If you do not do those things no matter how ready you may think you are for a final you will be sitting in that final thinking about whatever drama or stress is in your life and not the questions on the test!

The last on is something you should always be doing because no matter what is going on in your life it is always going to get better! always put yourself in a good situation not a bad one because it will make everything in life, especially school 1000000 times easier!!!

Got other ideas that you may do when it comes to exams or finals week I would love to hear them! Comment them below because who knows your tip may help someone ace their finals!